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Face Lift

Sagging skin in the neck, jowls and hollowed cheeks can all be reduced with a facelift while restoring a youthful, revitalised look. Mr Athanassopoulos undertook specific training in the latest facelift techniques using fat transfer, PRP to augment his natural results. Scars are minimised and an overdone, pulled back, appearance is minimised.


The cumulative effects of sun damage and age lead to a break down of collagen and elastin fibres that support the skin. In addition we lose some of the fat beneath our skin which also contributes to loss of structure.

This causes saggy skin in the neck, jowls, prominent nasolabial folds and loss of volume in the cheeks. The skin becomes thinner and more transluscenet. Blood vessels become more prominent and your skin looks discoloured.

close up photo of a mature and smiling woman


The Alpha Hospital Group Facelift addresses each of these problems to produce natural results that rejuvenate you whilst not changing the essense of you.

Skin is removed through concealed incisions and the underlying layers are tightened. Your own fat can be transferred and injected to improve your cheeks, lips, temples and PRP is injected into your skin.


Most frequent questions and answers
A facelift is the ultimate surgical procedure for making a man or woman look younger. A facelift involves an incision around the ear and sometimes under the chin. A facelift removes loose skin, thereby tightening the remaining skin. It elevates sagging tissues that cause nasolabial folds and marionette lines. It makes the outline of the jaw clearer and tightens the skin and muscles of the neck. The cheeks, lips and temples are treated with fat and PRP is injected to improve the skin.
There is no best age, its appearance that matters. In general, this process begins in the early forties, with the most common age for a facelift being in the mid-fifties. The oldest age is limited only by the health of a patient.

Consider a facelift like a reset. Gravity and normal aging will start again right after the facelift has healed.

Patients will look pulled for about the first two weeks after a facelift. After that the swelling will go down and the skin will relax a bit so that patients do not look pulled beyond that.

You will need to stop taking various herbal supplements or anti-inflammatory drugs and avoid smoking before a facelift. Mr Athanassopoulos provides detailed instructions to help a patient prepare for a facelift. The goal of these instructions is to ensure a patient can minimise facelift surgery risks.
For patients who have office , two weeks should be enough time to look presentable at work. Some patients have some visible swelling and residual bruising at the end of two weeks. This is usually not noticeable by others but if you feel sensitive, a three-week window would be better.
The total time a facelift takes varies from patient to patient, dependent upon they exact procedures needed to give the patient their desired results. On average, facelift surgery takes 3 to 4 hours. For a simple cheek/temple lift, also called a mid face lift, the time would be approximately 2 hours. For a facelift, neck lift and an eye lift, surgery could take 5 or 6 hours.
This could vary depending on the extent of the work being done. The options are local anesthesia with IV sedation or general anesthesia.