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Listed below is our guide to preparing for surgery, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch



STOP SMOKING: Smoking reduces circulation to the skin and gets in the way of healing. You must stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after surgery if you are undergoing a facelift, breast reconstruction, breast reduction or abdominoplasty surgery.

MAKE ARRANGEMENTS: You must have an adult drive you home from the facility. (some minor procedures may not require this and this will be discussed at consultation). You will not be allowed to drive yourself or use public transportation. If you will be staying at home after surgery you will need to have an adult with you for the first 24 hours. If you are staying at a post-operative care facility, you will need to have someone drive you from the surgery center to the care facility. You will also need to arrange for someone to drive you to your first and possibly second appointments.

CHILD CARE: Make arrangements beforehand for the care of your children. Do not expect to feel up to your usual activity level for at least several days.

NOTIFY OFFICE: Notify the office if you develop a cold, sore throat, cough, fever or other illness during the two weeks prior to your surgery. You must also let the doctor know if you have a change in medication during the two week period prior to your surgery.

DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN OR IBUPROFEN: Stop taking medications containing aspirin 15 days before surgery and/or ibuprofen 10 days before surgery. Such drugs can cause bleeding problems during and after surgery. Instead, use medications containing acetaminophen (such as Tylenol).

VITAMINS & HERBAL MEDICATIONS: Start taking multivitamins twice daily to improve your general health once you have scheduled your surgery. Taking 500 mg of vitamin C twice a day will help promote healing. Keep your intake of vitamin E below 400 mg per day. Stop all herbal medications.


EATING AND DRINKING: Do not eat or drink ANYTHING after 12:00 midnight. This includes water, gum, candy, coffee, or mints. If you take daily medication, check with the doctor as to whether you may take it with a sip of water early in the morning (this does not apply to local anaesthetic cases).


You may shower in the morning. Wash the surgical areas with antibacterial soap. Brush your teeth but do not swallow the water. Do not wear makeup, moisturizers, creams, or lotions to surgery.

CLOTHING: Wear only comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that does not go over your head. Something that zips or buttons up. Remove hairpins, wigs, and jewelry. REMOVE ALL BODY PIERCING. Please do not bring valuables with you. Do not wear contact lenses.

MEDICATIONS: Do not forget to bring your prescribed (pain and anti-nausea) medications with you to surgery. Also bring all other regular prescribed medications to surgery.


Your stay in the recovery room will last between 1 and 4 hours. Most patients are fully awake within 30-60 minutes.

You must arrange for someone to bring you to and drive you home from the surgery center. Either a family member, a friend, or a nurse must remain with you the first night after surgery because you will have been sedated.